cat sitter

Do you take your cat out for a stroll?

Ahhhhhh cats … don’t you just love ’em! Does your cat get to venture out to the mighty outdoors? Cats truly are creatures of curiosity and adventure! Does your cat get enough stimulation at home? With the danger of letting our cats outdoors in Lincoln City, OR ~ many are building cat enclosures outside where [...]

Warning to all dog owners! Have you read the warnings about this product, Trifexis? Please be advised of the dangers of using Trifexis for fleas, heartworm, etc. Read a review of this product here…/hundreds-more-dog-deaths…/vCkz6M/. In addition ~ your professional pet sitter can help you by keeping a watchful eye to locate fleas on your [...]

What are the Top Dog Breeds for Families?

So you’re ready to start looking for a dog for your family ~ congratulations! Please do your homework and find a dog who will fit into the atmosphere at your home.  Check your local shelters first ~ and spend a lot of time there with your family and really examine the personality of the dog [...]